Please pass this information on within your meetings and worship groups. Applications are accepted from February 3 to March 9, 2025.
Emerging Leaders for Liberation (ELL) Application | American Friends Service Committee This program is open to young adults looking to deepen their social justice and leadership skills. Emerging Leaders aims to support the development of young people and is especially beneficial to those that are newer to organizing spaces. Through this program, participants will gain an understanding of systemic oppression through trainings and experiences regarding accompaniment, anti-racism, organizing, advocacy, resourcing, and Quaker principles. Participants will take part in both AFSC-sponsored and other local campaigns and systems-level advocacy efforts. They will gain a complex understanding of social change movements, immersing themselves in community level change efforts. As part of the program, cohort members will be required to complete an action learning project in their community. This project will demonstrate cohort members’ newfound community organizing knowledge and will be funded up to $1,000. Previous cohort members have tackled issues of gentrification, migrant rights, human rights violations in prisons, inequal access to education, institutional racism, and many more.
Bozeman Daily Chronicle - January 30, 2025
War is not, and never has been, the answer After more than 15 months of violence in Gaza and across the Middle East, it’s welcome news that Israel and Hamas have agreed to cease hostilities, however temporarily. While this long overdue step cannot bring back the tens of thousands who have died, it can and will save thousands going forward. More war is not and never has been the answer. There is no military solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. If anything, this agreement demonstrates the enduring need to engage non-militarily for peace no matter the odds. The road to recovery, justice, and security for all the region’s people will be long and difficult. The U.S., through Congress and the administration, must stay committed to supporting an enduring long-term peace process. Sustainable peace requires addressing the root causes of violence in the Israel-Palestine conflict. The Israeli occupation, the blockade of Gaza, systemic oppression, settler violence, land annexation, and inequality faced by Palestinians must end. While the challenges ahead are immense for the region, this initial ceasefire agreement is an essential first step. Now it’s up to leaders and advocates alike to look for willing partners for peace to advance shared goals of civilian protection and lasting political solutions that ensure equality for Palestinians and Israelis alike. That's why I'm urging our Members of Congress to use all forms of U.S. leverage to see that Phase 1 of the deal is implemented and that the ceasefire is made permanent. I also encourage them to work to flood Gaza with aid by restoring urgently needed US funding to UNRWA and work to block offensive weapons to the Netanyahu Government. Please contact Senators Daines and Sheehy and ask them to use their influence to make this cease fire permanent. Faye Boom, Bozeman Immigrants and immigrant communities are under attack now. We are holding them in the Light and lobbying Congress to make our country a more welcoming place.
Here are two ways you can take immediate action:
The Montana Gathering of Friends will be held February 28- March 2, 20205 at Camp Mak-A-Dream near Missoula, Montana.
Our Friend in Residence will be Chris LaTray, Montana Poet Laureate and author of Becoming Little Shell. Watch this space for more details and the link to register. Register early, and tell all your f/Friends! Today, Sunday, October 20, 2024, the Great Falls Worship Group joined together in unity of Spirit to add our worship group to those supporting the Methodist Church in Missoula in calling Tim Sheehy to accountability for his racists comments. For more details please see the attached. We are asking you to consider joining us in signing this letter to be distributed to weekly and daily newspapers (print and digital) and broadcast TV stations on or about October 21, 2024. For media outlets that do not accept letters, the letter will be converted into a press release that also describes the number of people and groups signing the letter. We also ask you to consider forwarding this message to persons or groups you believe would also be interested in signing this letter—and asking them to do so. To sign this letter as an individual or group, please send a message to [email protected] no later than 5:00 pm, Sunday, October 20, 2024, confirming that you or a group you are a member of agrees to sign and support the Human Dignity Letter. For individual(s), please include the following information:
Town/City you live in or where you receive mail. Optional: If you wish to have a professional title or other affiliation identifier listed with your name, please feel free to do so. Also: Even if you are part of a group signing the letter, you can also choose to sign the letter as an individual as an expression of personal support.
Please note: news sources may require us to submit for verification your email or phone number. For groups endorsing and signing the letter, please include the following information:
Town/City where the group is based. The name or names of the leader(s) of the group and titles (if appropriate).
Again, please note: News sources may require us to submit for verification the email addresses or phone numbers of the leaders. In no instances will email addresses or phone numbers be released to the public. Again, we also ask you to contact others to join in signing this letter. The more signatures, the more letters. Please simply forward or make a copy of this text to use as a means of contacting others. Emphasize in your forwarding messages that all replies should be sent to [email protected]. Thank you for your consideration and support of this effort to support respect for all Montanans! ![]()
Here's a story from NPYM in Missoula this past summer.¬if_id=1729169616612785¬if_t=comment_mention&ref=notif |
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January 2025
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