MONTANA GATHERING OF FRIENDS (MGOF) is the Quarterly Meeting (QM) for Montana and its surrounding region within North Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (NPYM).
“A Quarterly Meeting is a cooperative association of two or more Monthly Meetings in a given geographical area and is composed of all the members of its constituent Monthly Meetings, Preparative Meetings and Worship Groups, as well as interested persons within its areas who are isolated from any established Friends group.
Traditionally a Quarterly Meeting met four times a year. A regional meeting which met twice a year was called a Half-Yearly Meeting. It has become the practice of this Yearly Meeting to use the term Quarterly Meeting for any regional meeting composed of Monthly Meetings, regardless of how often it meets.
The purpose of a Quarterly meeting is to strengthen the life and fellowship of Meetings and other Friends groups in the area and to provide a link in transmitting business and other information from them to, or to them from, North Pacific Yearly Meeting. A Quarterly Meeting contributes in many different ways to the growth of the spiritual life and fellowship of its Meetings and other Friends in its area, including children, Junior Friends, and Young Friends. The session itself contributes by providing religious fellowship, a wider variety of ministry during worship than individual Meetings usually experience, and programs which provide for consideration of the deeper interests of the Society of Friends. Outside the regular session, the Quarterly Meeting contributes by developing programs for its young people, by arranging for retreats and other gatherings, and by encouraging and coordinating intervisitation throughout its area. An important function of a Quarterly Meeting is to hear informal reports on activities from constituent groups and, at its spring session, to receive their more formal State of Society Reports. It is in this informal and formal sharing that Friends become aware of the state of the spiritual life within the quarter.
A Quarterly Meeting provides an opportunity for considering and acting upon concerns from individuals and Meetings and forwarding those approved to the Steering Committee or Annual Session of the Yearly Meeting. It also may provide services or address issues which pertain to all Friends but for which there may not be sufficient concern or energy in any one individual Meeting. A Quarterly Meeting is concerned for the condition of its constituent groups, strengthening and supporting them. It is responsible for the nurture of new gatherings of Friends and, when the time comes, reports their establishment as Monthly Meetings to the Yearly Meeting. Among other functions, it would also be the appropriate body to consider a request from a Monthly Meeting whose members believe it should be laid down or united with another Meeting.
To carry out its responsibilities, a Quarterly Meeting meets regularly, appoints necessary officers and committees, and conducts its business in the usual manner of Friends. (Specific procedures vary among Quarterly Meetings. Quarterly Meeting Handbooks should be consulted.) It collects and administers funds as needed. It may appoint an Interim or Continuing Committee to help plan for its sessions and act for it between sessions within limits agreed upon. The Quarterly Meeting Committee on Ministry and Oversight is composed of experienced and spiritually sensitive Friends who are able to serve on a working committee. This committee aids in the nurture of the spiritual life of Friends of all ages, contributes to the care and counsel of Meetings and Worship Groups, and advises on the good order and spiritual life of the Quarterly Meeting sessions. The Committees on Ministry and Oversight of the Quarterly Meetings constitute the Yearly Meeting Committee on Ministry and Oversight which functions primarily during the Annual Session. It also chooses on of its members to serve on the Friend-in-Residence Committee of the Yearly Meeting. The Quarterly Meeting Ministry and Oversight Clerk serves as a member of the Yearly Meeting Outreach Committee.
A Quarterly Meeting may be established upon Yearly Meeting approval of a request from two or more Monthly meetings or of a request from a Quarterly meeting which wishes to be divided into two such meetings. A Quarterly Meeting may also be set up upon the initiative of the Yearly meeting. In any such instance, the Yearly Meeting appoints a committee to assist in the organization, and receives the recommendation of that committee before recognizing the Quarterly Meeting. Where geographical expanses or other circumstances warrant, the formation of associations or gatherings other than Quarterly Meetings may prove helpful.
The Quarterly Meeting also can function as an “Executive Meeting” which performs Monthly Meeting functions for a group of worship groups which do not have a Monthly Meeting or are requesting that their Monthly Meeting be laid down. The additional functions which Montana Gathering of Friends (MGOF) takes on to serve as a Monthly Meeting include: holding memberships (recording, transferring and accepting), recording birth, marriages, and deaths of members and attenders; providing committee members and clerks for Ministry and Oversight, Steering, Nominating, and other committees; tending to the spiritual life of individuals, worship groups under its care, including clearness committees; and nurturing outreach to individuals and worship groups and supporting their involvement in the Monthly Meeting.
MONTANA GATHERING OF FRIENDS (MGOF) is the Quarterly Meeting (QM) for Montana and its surrounding region within North Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (NPYM).
“A Quarterly Meeting is a cooperative association of two or more Monthly Meetings in a given geographical area and is composed of all the members of its constituent Monthly Meetings, Preparative Meetings and Worship Groups, as well as interested persons within its areas who are isolated from any established Friends group.
Traditionally a Quarterly Meeting met four times a year. A regional meeting which met twice a year was called a Half-Yearly Meeting. It has become the practice of this Yearly Meeting to use the term Quarterly Meeting for any regional meeting composed of Monthly Meetings, regardless of how often it meets.
The purpose of a Quarterly meeting is to strengthen the life and fellowship of Meetings and other Friends groups in the area and to provide a link in transmitting business and other information from them to, or to them from, North Pacific Yearly Meeting. A Quarterly Meeting contributes in many different ways to the growth of the spiritual life and fellowship of its Meetings and other Friends in its area, including children, Junior Friends, and Young Friends. The session itself contributes by providing religious fellowship, a wider variety of ministry during worship than individual Meetings usually experience, and programs which provide for consideration of the deeper interests of the Society of Friends. Outside the regular session, the Quarterly Meeting contributes by developing programs for its young people, by arranging for retreats and other gatherings, and by encouraging and coordinating intervisitation throughout its area. An important function of a Quarterly Meeting is to hear informal reports on activities from constituent groups and, at its spring session, to receive their more formal State of Society Reports. It is in this informal and formal sharing that Friends become aware of the state of the spiritual life within the quarter.
A Quarterly Meeting provides an opportunity for considering and acting upon concerns from individuals and Meetings and forwarding those approved to the Steering Committee or Annual Session of the Yearly Meeting. It also may provide services or address issues which pertain to all Friends but for which there may not be sufficient concern or energy in any one individual Meeting. A Quarterly Meeting is concerned for the condition of its constituent groups, strengthening and supporting them. It is responsible for the nurture of new gatherings of Friends and, when the time comes, reports their establishment as Monthly Meetings to the Yearly Meeting. Among other functions, it would also be the appropriate body to consider a request from a Monthly Meeting whose members believe it should be laid down or united with another Meeting.
To carry out its responsibilities, a Quarterly Meeting meets regularly, appoints necessary officers and committees, and conducts its business in the usual manner of Friends. (Specific procedures vary among Quarterly Meetings. Quarterly Meeting Handbooks should be consulted.) It collects and administers funds as needed. It may appoint an Interim or Continuing Committee to help plan for its sessions and act for it between sessions within limits agreed upon. The Quarterly Meeting Committee on Ministry and Oversight is composed of experienced and spiritually sensitive Friends who are able to serve on a working committee. This committee aids in the nurture of the spiritual life of Friends of all ages, contributes to the care and counsel of Meetings and Worship Groups, and advises on the good order and spiritual life of the Quarterly Meeting sessions. The Committees on Ministry and Oversight of the Quarterly Meetings constitute the Yearly Meeting Committee on Ministry and Oversight which functions primarily during the Annual Session. It also chooses on of its members to serve on the Friend-in-Residence Committee of the Yearly Meeting. The Quarterly Meeting Ministry and Oversight Clerk serves as a member of the Yearly Meeting Outreach Committee.
A Quarterly Meeting may be established upon Yearly Meeting approval of a request from two or more Monthly meetings or of a request from a Quarterly meeting which wishes to be divided into two such meetings. A Quarterly Meeting may also be set up upon the initiative of the Yearly meeting. In any such instance, the Yearly Meeting appoints a committee to assist in the organization, and receives the recommendation of that committee before recognizing the Quarterly Meeting. Where geographical expanses or other circumstances warrant, the formation of associations or gatherings other than Quarterly Meetings may prove helpful.
The Quarterly Meeting also can function as an “Executive Meeting” which performs Monthly Meeting functions for a group of worship groups which do not have a Monthly Meeting or are requesting that their Monthly Meeting be laid down. The additional functions which Montana Gathering of Friends (MGOF) takes on to serve as a Monthly Meeting include: holding memberships (recording, transferring and accepting), recording birth, marriages, and deaths of members and attenders; providing committee members and clerks for Ministry and Oversight, Steering, Nominating, and other committees; tending to the spiritual life of individuals, worship groups under its care, including clearness committees; and nurturing outreach to individuals and worship groups and supporting their involvement in the Monthly Meeting.
The Steering Committee is the executive body of the Montana Gathering of Friends (MGOF), composed of representatives of its constituent meetings and worship groups, and entrusted with carrying out most of the QM business. Like an Interim or Continuing committee, it acts for the MGOF community when MGOF is not in session. Usually the Steering Committee meets four times per year: at each of the two gatherings and once in spring and fall. All meetings are open meetings.
The Steering Committee functions best when well represented by each meeting and worship group, thus providing wide geographic representation. Two representatives from each monthly meeting and one from each worship group are the optimum. A two-year term is suggested, with overlapping terms to encourage continuity as the goal. All appointed officers of the Quarterly Meeting (MGOF) and committee clerks are also members of the Steering Committee. Coordinators of the summer and winter session of MGOF will also serve on the Steering Committee during their appointed tenure.
The Steering Committee:
1. carries out specific Quarterly and Monthly Meeting business as related to North Pacific Yearly Meeting;
2. receives seasoned concerns from individuals and Monthly Meetings and determines whether they are to be returned to meetings and worship groups for further seasoning, considered at Quarterly Meeting for Worship for Business or forwarded to the Yearly sessions as it may find appropriate;
3. oversees committee work and planning of MGOF gatherings, assisting the coordinator(s);
4. approves a budget, preferably annually, prepared by the Treasurer and acting Finance Committee and determines the appropriate assessment or other method for meeting the QM expenses.
5. performs monthly meeting logistical functions for worship groups and isolated friends in Central Montana, and supports Ministry and Oversight in tending to spiritual functions.
MGOF officers are nominated by the Nominating committee and approved and appointed at the MGOF Gathering Meeting for Worship for Business or by Steering Committee. The term of office is generally two years, though the leading to serve may be shorter or longer. Terms generally begin after the close of the summer gathering. Positions may be divided. It is recommended the that the two positions of MGOF Ministry and Oversight Committee Clerk and the Clerk of MGOF (who at the present time is also clerk of Steering Committee) follow the co-clerk model. Each position is staffed by two people, with one acting as the primary clerk for two or more years and then the other becomes primary with a new secondary. Another similar model is to have the recording clerk be the rising clerk. This model promises to help provide continuity, share responsibilities and better prepare Friends for positions of responsibility.
CLERK: Presides during Steering Committee Meetings and plenary sessions of the Quarterly and Monthly Meeting. Receives agenda items from Meetings and individuals and prepares agendas for business meetings. Sends out agenda and other relevant material in advance of each meeting. Helps Recording Clerk prepare minutes for approval at meetings. Takes responsibility for carrying out, or having appropriate people carry out, instructions as minuted.
RECORDING CLERK AND HISTORIAN: Assists the Clerk in the conduct of meetings and in the formulation of minutes, recording their spirit as well as their substance. Reads minutes back for approval. Serves as Clerk if the latter or co-clerk is unable to serve. Preferably serves as co-clerk until becoming clerk in the above described rotation under MGOF officers. Keeps a file of Minutes, and the historical records of the Quarterly and Monthly Meeting (including the Monthly Meeting memberships). Circulates Minutes to members of Steering Committee, and sends approved minutes to the Newsletter Editor for circulation in the Newsletter.
Treasurer: Receives and keeps track of moneys for the QM and MM and reports on financial matters to the Steering Committee and MGOF community. Supplies a written report to be published in the newsletter. With the help of the Finance Committee, (deleted materials) prepares a budget for MGOF. The budget will include, but is not limited to, amounts for Newsletter expenses: travel of Friends for visitation within the QM (to be allocated by the M&O Committee); expenses for program and children and Jr. Friends’ programs at the QM Gatherings: travel, phone, postage and copying expenses to carry on QM business; and financial aid towards QM gathering expenses for Friends who otherwise would or could not attend. Friends may donate all or part of their expenses but are requested to keep track and submit them to the treasurer so accurate budgets may be formulated.
Annual assessment for NPYM will be collected by the Recording Clerk for each MM, including MGOF in its capacity as a MM, sending out a letter to members suggesting a contribution of $45. An envelope addressed directly to the Treasurer of MGOF will be enclosed in each letter. The Treasurer will then write a check to NPYM based on the income from the mailing. If the amount is less than projected, only that amount will be sent. If it is more than projected, MGOF will keep the difference.
Registrar: Works with the Coordinator in preparing and distributing registration materials for MGOF sessions. Receives registrations. (These may be sent to the Treasurer or some other designated Friend if this is deemed advisable.) Registers or makes provisions for onsite registration of Friends at the session.
Newsletter Editor: Receives information from meetings, officers, clerks and coordinators of MGOF sessions to be sent out by snail mail and/or email twice a year (deleted material) with the deadline 8 weeks before the Gathering. The editor then has one week after the deadline to collate and organize the information and send it to the Mailing List/Data Base Manager to distribute.
Mailing List/Data Base Manager: Keeps the mailing list up to date and makes that updated list available to members at each Gathering. Manages the website and the Cloudsite. Distributes the Newsletter. Serves on the Finance Committee.
Summer and Winter Coordinators: Coordinate the arrangements for the Gathering. Work with the Registrar on preparing and distributing registration materials. Make provision for greeting people, providing name tags, evaluation forms, and other arrangements necessary for the Gathering. Work with those delegated to be responsible for the program, rented facility arrangements, food, worship sharing groups, children’s program and childcare arrangements. After securing the coordinator’s handbook (with information on past gatherings) from the previous coordinator, each coordinator can add useful material gleaned from his/her tenure, and pass it on to the next coordinator. Often co-coordinators working as a team, or a coordinating committee have been useful in this capacity. These positions should be filled a year in advance so they can attend Steering Committee planning meetings.
Clerk of Ministry and Oversight Committee is nominated by the Nominating Committee and serves on the Steering Committee. Presides during M&O Committee meetings and appropriate plenary sessions of the Quarterly and Monthly meetings. Receives agenda items from Meetings and individuals and prepares agendas for M&O committee meetings. Sends out agenda and other relevant material in advance of each meeting. Helps M&O Recording Clerk prepare minutes for approval at meetings. Takes responsibility for carrying out, or having appropriate people carry out instructions as minuted. May serve as a member of the NPYM Outreach Committee.
Clerk of Nominating Committee is nominated by an ad hoc committee made up of current members of Nominating Committee, and/or members of either M&O or Steering Committees. The Clerk convenes the Spirit-lead business of the committee, and insures that its business is recorded and carried out. Attends and reports at Steering Committee meetings.
Clerk of Children’s Steering Committee is nominated by Nominating Committee with input from the Children’s Steering Committee to serve a two year term. The Clerk convenes the Spirit-lead business of the committee, ensures that its business is recorded and carried out. Attends and reports at Steering Committee meetings.
The Nominating committee consists of three or more Friends appointed by the Steering committee to serve a two-year term, with additional time available to willing Friends. These Friends may or may not be members of the Steering Committee. The nominating committee will select its own clerk, who will become a member of the Steering Committee, if not already on it. Steering committee will name a convener for this committee if there is not a clerk to take this responsibility. This committee finds, and then submits to the SC the names of nominees who are willing to serve in the capacities listed above. Terms for all positions are normally for two years and may be renewed or extended. The nominating committee also submits nominations for any vacancies that may occur.
Ministry and Oversight Committee
This committee aids in the nurture (ing?) of the spiritual life of Friends of all ages. The committee contributes to the care and counsel of Meetings and Worship Groups and advises on the good order and spiritual life of the Quarterly Meeting sessions
NPYM Faith and Practice, 1993
Role and Composition: The Ministry and Oversight Committee (M&O) is charged with promoting the spiritual strength of the Quarterly Meeting and its various Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups and isolated Friends, and facilitating inter-visitation among them. Each Monthly Meeting (and Worship Group) is asked to appoint a member of its M&O Committee (if such does not exist, any Friend may serve) to serve on the Quarterly/Executive Meeting M&O Committee. Other Friends who are so led may also serve on this committee. Since the Yearly Meeting (NPYM) M&O Committee is composed of Quarterly Meeting M&O members, the MGOF committee members are a part of the Yearly Meeting, which functions primarily at the annual NPYM sessions (in July). Our committee may appoint one member to serve on the NPYM Friend in Residence Committee. The Clerk of our M&O Committee is automatically on the NPYM Outreach Committee.
This committee functions will include:
MGOF has a special ministry of caring for our community’s children. MGOF has such a wide geographic region and such small meetings and worship groups that the community feels led to provide education, programming and spiritual nurture for our children at each of our MGOF gatherings. We pay as a community for all our children to be able to attend our gatherings, and we pay our Children’s Program Coordinator a fair and generous wage for this important work.
ROLES: The Children’s Program Coordinator and Junior Friends Adviser are usually paid positions. The Children’s Program Coordinator provides activities, direction and materials for all times that the adult program has scheduled activities. Recruits and coordinates enough adult volunteers to assist in carrying out these activities, to supervise free times, and to support the Young Children’s Care Provider and Junior Friends Adviser as needed. Supervises and coordinates with the Young Children’s Care Provider. Coordinates with the Junior Friends Adviser. Develops guidelines and ground rules for behavior during activities and free time with the children and parents. Documents the programs and notes what worked, what could be better and what was missing, contributes to a database of volunteers and their skills.
The Junior Friends Adviser works with Junior Friends (high school age) and carries out a program for them during each MGOF gathering and during winter and summer Junior Friends camps organized by the North Pacific Yearly Meeting. Coordinates with the Children’s Program Coordinator. Documents the programs and provides the Children’s Program Coordinator with that information.
MGOF has been represented by attenders and members who are led by the Spirit (and time and energy is given) to serve our community in state, regional, national and world-wide organizations including the following:
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) Board
Friends’ World Committee on Consultation (FWCC)
Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW, formerly FCUN)
Montana Association of Churches (MAC).
MGOF attenders and members serve on the American Friends Service Committee’s annual Corporation Meeting in Philadelphia and participate on the North Pacific Region’s Executive Committee. We are also represented in Washington D.C. by a member or attender on the Friends Committee on National Legislation. In the past there has been representation on the Right Sharing of World Resources Board and also on the Friends’ World Committee on Consultation. MGOF also is represented on the Montana Association of Churches (MAC) Church and Society Committee as a guest (not as a member as we are not a creedal church).
The Steering Committee is the executive body of the Montana Gathering of Friends (MGOF), composed of representatives of its constituent meetings and worship groups, and entrusted with carrying out most of the QM business. Like an Interim or Continuing committee, it acts for the MGOF community when MGOF is not in session. Usually the Steering Committee meets four times per year: at each of the two gatherings and once in spring and fall. All meetings are open meetings.
The Steering Committee functions best when well represented by each meeting and worship group, thus providing wide geographic representation. Two representatives from each monthly meeting and one from each worship group are the optimum. A two-year term is suggested, with overlapping terms to encourage continuity as the goal. All appointed officers of the Quarterly Meeting (MGOF) and committee clerks are also members of the Steering Committee. Coordinators of the summer and winter session of MGOF will also serve on the Steering Committee during their appointed tenure.
The Steering Committee:
1. carries out specific Quarterly and Monthly Meeting business as related to North Pacific Yearly Meeting;
2. receives seasoned concerns from individuals and Monthly Meetings and determines whether they are to be returned to meetings and worship groups for further seasoning, considered at Quarterly Meeting for Worship for Business or forwarded to the Yearly sessions as it may find appropriate;
3. oversees committee work and planning of MGOF gatherings, assisting the coordinator(s);
4. approves a budget, preferably annually, prepared by the Treasurer and acting Finance Committee and determines the appropriate assessment or other method for meeting the QM expenses.
5. performs monthly meeting logistical functions for worship groups and isolated friends in Central Montana, and supports Ministry and Oversight in tending to spiritual functions.
MGOF officers are nominated by the Nominating committee and approved and appointed at the MGOF Gathering Meeting for Worship for Business or by Steering Committee. The term of office is generally two years, though the leading to serve may be shorter or longer. Terms generally begin after the close of the summer gathering. Positions may be divided. It is recommended the that the two positions of MGOF Ministry and Oversight Committee Clerk and the Clerk of MGOF (who at the present time is also clerk of Steering Committee) follow the co-clerk model. Each position is staffed by two people, with one acting as the primary clerk for two or more years and then the other becomes primary with a new secondary. Another similar model is to have the recording clerk be the rising clerk. This model promises to help provide continuity, share responsibilities and better prepare Friends for positions of responsibility.
CLERK: Presides during Steering Committee Meetings and plenary sessions of the Quarterly and Monthly Meeting. Receives agenda items from Meetings and individuals and prepares agendas for business meetings. Sends out agenda and other relevant material in advance of each meeting. Helps Recording Clerk prepare minutes for approval at meetings. Takes responsibility for carrying out, or having appropriate people carry out, instructions as minuted.
RECORDING CLERK AND HISTORIAN: Assists the Clerk in the conduct of meetings and in the formulation of minutes, recording their spirit as well as their substance. Reads minutes back for approval. Serves as Clerk if the latter or co-clerk is unable to serve. Preferably serves as co-clerk until becoming clerk in the above described rotation under MGOF officers. Keeps a file of Minutes, and the historical records of the Quarterly and Monthly Meeting (including the Monthly Meeting memberships). Circulates Minutes to members of Steering Committee, and sends approved minutes to the Newsletter Editor for circulation in the Newsletter.
Treasurer: Receives and keeps track of moneys for the QM and MM and reports on financial matters to the Steering Committee and MGOF community. Supplies a written report to be published in the newsletter. With the help of the Finance Committee, (deleted materials) prepares a budget for MGOF. The budget will include, but is not limited to, amounts for Newsletter expenses: travel of Friends for visitation within the QM (to be allocated by the M&O Committee); expenses for program and children and Jr. Friends’ programs at the QM Gatherings: travel, phone, postage and copying expenses to carry on QM business; and financial aid towards QM gathering expenses for Friends who otherwise would or could not attend. Friends may donate all or part of their expenses but are requested to keep track and submit them to the treasurer so accurate budgets may be formulated.
Annual assessment for NPYM will be collected by the Recording Clerk for each MM, including MGOF in its capacity as a MM, sending out a letter to members suggesting a contribution of $45. An envelope addressed directly to the Treasurer of MGOF will be enclosed in each letter. The Treasurer will then write a check to NPYM based on the income from the mailing. If the amount is less than projected, only that amount will be sent. If it is more than projected, MGOF will keep the difference.
Registrar: Works with the Coordinator in preparing and distributing registration materials for MGOF sessions. Receives registrations. (These may be sent to the Treasurer or some other designated Friend if this is deemed advisable.) Registers or makes provisions for onsite registration of Friends at the session.
Newsletter Editor: Receives information from meetings, officers, clerks and coordinators of MGOF sessions to be sent out by snail mail and/or email twice a year (deleted material) with the deadline 8 weeks before the Gathering. The editor then has one week after the deadline to collate and organize the information and send it to the Mailing List/Data Base Manager to distribute.
Mailing List/Data Base Manager: Keeps the mailing list up to date and makes that updated list available to members at each Gathering. Manages the website and the Cloudsite. Distributes the Newsletter. Serves on the Finance Committee.
Summer and Winter Coordinators: Coordinate the arrangements for the Gathering. Work with the Registrar on preparing and distributing registration materials. Make provision for greeting people, providing name tags, evaluation forms, and other arrangements necessary for the Gathering. Work with those delegated to be responsible for the program, rented facility arrangements, food, worship sharing groups, children’s program and childcare arrangements. After securing the coordinator’s handbook (with information on past gatherings) from the previous coordinator, each coordinator can add useful material gleaned from his/her tenure, and pass it on to the next coordinator. Often co-coordinators working as a team, or a coordinating committee have been useful in this capacity. These positions should be filled a year in advance so they can attend Steering Committee planning meetings.
Clerk of Ministry and Oversight Committee is nominated by the Nominating Committee and serves on the Steering Committee. Presides during M&O Committee meetings and appropriate plenary sessions of the Quarterly and Monthly meetings. Receives agenda items from Meetings and individuals and prepares agendas for M&O committee meetings. Sends out agenda and other relevant material in advance of each meeting. Helps M&O Recording Clerk prepare minutes for approval at meetings. Takes responsibility for carrying out, or having appropriate people carry out instructions as minuted. May serve as a member of the NPYM Outreach Committee.
Clerk of Nominating Committee is nominated by an ad hoc committee made up of current members of Nominating Committee, and/or members of either M&O or Steering Committees. The Clerk convenes the Spirit-lead business of the committee, and insures that its business is recorded and carried out. Attends and reports at Steering Committee meetings.
Clerk of Children’s Steering Committee is nominated by Nominating Committee with input from the Children’s Steering Committee to serve a two year term. The Clerk convenes the Spirit-lead business of the committee, ensures that its business is recorded and carried out. Attends and reports at Steering Committee meetings.
The Nominating committee consists of three or more Friends appointed by the Steering committee to serve a two-year term, with additional time available to willing Friends. These Friends may or may not be members of the Steering Committee. The nominating committee will select its own clerk, who will become a member of the Steering Committee, if not already on it. Steering committee will name a convener for this committee if there is not a clerk to take this responsibility. This committee finds, and then submits to the SC the names of nominees who are willing to serve in the capacities listed above. Terms for all positions are normally for two years and may be renewed or extended. The nominating committee also submits nominations for any vacancies that may occur.
Ministry and Oversight Committee
This committee aids in the nurture (ing?) of the spiritual life of Friends of all ages. The committee contributes to the care and counsel of Meetings and Worship Groups and advises on the good order and spiritual life of the Quarterly Meeting sessions
NPYM Faith and Practice, 1993
Role and Composition: The Ministry and Oversight Committee (M&O) is charged with promoting the spiritual strength of the Quarterly Meeting and its various Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups and isolated Friends, and facilitating inter-visitation among them. Each Monthly Meeting (and Worship Group) is asked to appoint a member of its M&O Committee (if such does not exist, any Friend may serve) to serve on the Quarterly/Executive Meeting M&O Committee. Other Friends who are so led may also serve on this committee. Since the Yearly Meeting (NPYM) M&O Committee is composed of Quarterly Meeting M&O members, the MGOF committee members are a part of the Yearly Meeting, which functions primarily at the annual NPYM sessions (in July). Our committee may appoint one member to serve on the NPYM Friend in Residence Committee. The Clerk of our M&O Committee is automatically on the NPYM Outreach Committee.
This committee functions will include:
- Assist with Quarterly Meeting gatherings:
- It may suggest the theme and possible speakers to the Steering Committee.
- It will be responsible for setting up worship sharing groups and leadership for all attending.
- It will be responsible for welcoming and orienting new attenders.
- Facilitate visitation among Friends groups and isolated Friends.
- Receive annual Sate of the Meeting reports from each Meeting and those Worship Groups which wish to prepare them, and forward them to the NYPM M&O Committee for sharing at the annual NPYM sessions. Meetings should send these reports to the clerk of M&O by June 1. The committee will thus be aware of the condition of each Meeting
- Conduct Meetings for Clearness, including marriage and membership within the executive meeting, and for the Monthly Meetings where it seems inadequate to conduct such meetings on the local level.
- Act as a trouble-shooter (word choice ?) in tense and difficult situations. (This will be the role of the clerk especially)
MGOF has a special ministry of caring for our community’s children. MGOF has such a wide geographic region and such small meetings and worship groups that the community feels led to provide education, programming and spiritual nurture for our children at each of our MGOF gatherings. We pay as a community for all our children to be able to attend our gatherings, and we pay our Children’s Program Coordinator a fair and generous wage for this important work.
- Nurtures and oversees the MGOF Children’s Programs and activities with the intent of encouraging the development of Quaker values in our young people and children.
- With the support of the Steering Committee, finds, supports and encourages the Children’s Program Coordinator, Junior Friends Advisor and Young Children’s Care Provider.
- Facilitates evaluation and input from parents and children.
- Maintains a record of these programs to provide continuity in planning and programming.
ROLES: The Children’s Program Coordinator and Junior Friends Adviser are usually paid positions. The Children’s Program Coordinator provides activities, direction and materials for all times that the adult program has scheduled activities. Recruits and coordinates enough adult volunteers to assist in carrying out these activities, to supervise free times, and to support the Young Children’s Care Provider and Junior Friends Adviser as needed. Supervises and coordinates with the Young Children’s Care Provider. Coordinates with the Junior Friends Adviser. Develops guidelines and ground rules for behavior during activities and free time with the children and parents. Documents the programs and notes what worked, what could be better and what was missing, contributes to a database of volunteers and their skills.
The Junior Friends Adviser works with Junior Friends (high school age) and carries out a program for them during each MGOF gathering and during winter and summer Junior Friends camps organized by the North Pacific Yearly Meeting. Coordinates with the Children’s Program Coordinator. Documents the programs and provides the Children’s Program Coordinator with that information.
MGOF has been represented by attenders and members who are led by the Spirit (and time and energy is given) to serve our community in state, regional, national and world-wide organizations including the following:
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) Board
Friends’ World Committee on Consultation (FWCC)
Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW, formerly FCUN)
Montana Association of Churches (MAC).
MGOF attenders and members serve on the American Friends Service Committee’s annual Corporation Meeting in Philadelphia and participate on the North Pacific Region’s Executive Committee. We are also represented in Washington D.C. by a member or attender on the Friends Committee on National Legislation. In the past there has been representation on the Right Sharing of World Resources Board and also on the Friends’ World Committee on Consultation. MGOF also is represented on the Montana Association of Churches (MAC) Church and Society Committee as a guest (not as a member as we are not a creedal church).