MGOF Email list
We maintain an email list for anyone who is interested in the happenings of MGOF. If you are a member, attender, or just curious about MGOF, you can sign up. All list members receive notification when our newsletter is published, twice a year. When you sign up, you can also choose to receive additional information, including general announcements, news regarding our men's and women's retreats, or other information.
You may unsubscribe from individual lists, or from our mailings entirely, at any time.
Problems with you email subscription? Please use the "contact" link, above, to reach the email list manager.
You may unsubscribe from individual lists, or from our mailings entirely, at any time.
Problems with you email subscription? Please use the "contact" link, above, to reach the email list manager.
MGOF Contact List
When you sign up for MGOF emails, or as you update your email list preferences (see how, below), you can decide if you want to appear on our contact list. If you opt to be included on the list, you can choose what information you want to appear on the list. Again, you can change these setting at any time by managing your preference (again, see below).
To request a copy of the contact list, send an email to "contactlist (at)". Please send your request from the email address where you receive MGOF emails. To help protect privacy, only those people who have opted to be included in the contact list are eligible to receive a copy of the contact list.
To request a copy of the contact list, send an email to "contactlist (at)". Please send your request from the email address where you receive MGOF emails. To help protect privacy, only those people who have opted to be included in the contact list are eligible to receive a copy of the contact list.
If you aren't getting MGOF email...
In order to protect you from fraudulent emails, most email providers filter your email for "spam" -- unsolicited marketing or scams. Sometimes those filters accidentally filter out an email that you want, and you never see it unless you look in your "spam folder." If you have signed up for MGOF emails are aren't receiving them, check the spam folder provided by your email provider. If you want to ensure MGOF email gets to your email inbox, you can tell your provider to never filter email from a particular sender by "whitelisting" e-mail where the sender's address contains "". If you don't know how to whitelist, here's a link that provides instructions for whitelisting an email address.
You can subscribe to our email list by clicking the button below:
Update your information and manage preferences
The easiest way to update your contact information or email preferences is to look at the bottom of any email you receive from the MGOF email list, for instance, the email that contains the newsletter. There you will find a personalized link you can use to update your preference. If you are having trouble, please contact the webmaster.
Unsubscribe completely
You can unsubscribe from all MGOF communications entirely and permanently. If you just want fewer emails, want to change where your email goes, want to update your mailing address, etc., please follow the instructions under "Update your information and manage preferences," above. If you click the "Unsubscribe" button below, you will receive no more contact from MGOF, you name will be removed from the contact list, and the system will keep a record of your email address to be sure no more email goes to you. If you would like to resubscribe with an email address that has been unsubscribed, please contact the web master.