In the past few months the executive branch of the U.S. government has determined that global military dominance and preemptive use of military power will be its main weapon in its war on terrorism and, more immediately, against Iraq. The administration has stated its intent to launch a military invasion of Iraq and depose Saddam Hussein, with or without cooperation from other countries, and has not made a clear commitment to seek the authorization of Congress and the approval of the American people for the prospective military invasion.
We in the Montana Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) share the global concern about terrorism. However, because we see that of God in every human being, we oppose the use of war as an instrument of national policy and are convinced that violent responses to terrorism are simplistic, shortsighted and only beget more violence. There are effective, non-military alternatives to reduce terrorist threats from Iraq and elsewhere. These include:
When MGOF finds itself called as a body to witness, a Minute of that testimony is recorded and distributed.
March 2018